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Version 2.0.1 Released -- May 9, 2003

A free patch is now available to upgrade version 2.0 to version 2.0.1.


Installation Instructions

1) View fixes and Download Patch. Which version do you have installed currently?

2) Run the Patch (an .exe) you just downloaded to proceed with the update. (Make sure that Zillions is installed on your hard disk first.) If you installed Zillions to some place other than the default location, you will be given a chance to Browse to the spot where you installed Zillions.

Who should upgrade?

All owners of version 2.0.

Upgrading to version 2 from Zillions of Games 1.x is a paid upgrade. To upgrade contact Zillions with your version 1 registration/unlock-key information. You can also upgrade to version 1.3.1 from an even earlier version.

How do I tell what version of Zillions I have?

There are two ways, either:

* Choose "About Zillions..." under Zillions' Help menu. The dialog will give the Version number. This is probably simplest.
* Right-click on Zillions.exe and choose Properties from the popup menu. Switch to the Version Tab and choose "Product Version" from the list.

Does the "p" at the end matter?

Yes, it matters as to which updater you should use. However, in terms of features, the number is the only thing that matters, i.e. version 2.0 and 2.0p have the same features and bug fixes.

Will the updater overwrite new rules files or bitmaps I have added to my Zillions directories?

No. The updater is smart enough to leave alone any files it doesn't know about.

I have modified some of Zillions' standard rules files. What will the updater do?

The updater doesn't want you to lose your work so it will not make any changes if it detects that the files in the original install of Zillions have changed. In this case, we recommend you do a fresh install of Zillions from the CD and then use the appropriate patch on that new install.

If you downloaded the 2.0 installer from the web and don't have it any more, you can download 2.0.1 installer from this website, rather than using this patch. Write down your unlock key information, then uninstall 2.0, then install 2.0.1.

Will the update change any system files on my computer?

No. This update only makes changes in your Zillions of Games directory.

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